A parent's worst nightmare for a mentally ill loved one came true last month when they learned their son was involved in what police called "Minnesota's deadliest workplace shooting." The parents told reporters they had tried in vain for nearly two years to get "Andy" to seek treatment.
The parents - Chuck and Carolyn Engeldinger - reported that "Andy" had refuse to have contact with them after they took a 12-week course to understand mental illness. The free education classes called Family2Family (F2F) are given by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in states around the country.
As far at the parents knew, their son had never received a diagnosis and was not taking medicine; he had been living in his own home since 2004.
On his own and possibly without a viable support network, the 36-year-old workplace shooter apparently isolated himself and began to show signs of mental deterioration; his lateness and performance levels became such an issue that his employers warned him in writing that he needed to improve immediately. Police say Engeldinger had worked at the sign company since the 1990s.
(credit: Bill Klotz/Finance & Commerce) (July 2012 photo of Engeldinger at work.)

In addition to delaying firings until Fridays, employers may want to take other steps to ensure safety on the job when it is necessary to terminate employees like Andy Engeldinger. One suggestion would be to contact NAMI for short-term education courses on how to handle and recognize mental illness in the workplace.
As a NAMI certified Family2Family (F2F) teacher, I know first-hand the frustration of trying to convince relatives to seek treatment, when their very disease is telling them otherwise. F2F teaches coping and communication skills, not how to make a mentally challenged person get help. We can provide the latest research on drugs and treatment, offers crisis management resources, and share various ways of securing voluntary or involuntary commitment; two very big issues that often separate mental illness advocates. F2F also teaches about who is and who is not likely to commit violence. Research shows, for example, that most mentally ill individuals are not violent. In other words, violence is more likely to come from untreated individuals, those not taking medication and/or receiving treatment for a mental illness.
Treatment works and research shows that the earlier that happens, the more successful and functional a mentally challenged person will be. Those showing signs of schizophrenia (delusions, paranoia, cognitive deterioration) or bipolar disorder (mood changes) can also be expected to deny having a problem because denial is part of the disease itself. The disease caused by a broken brain itself is called: ANOSOGNOSIA.
According to the Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC), "Anosognosia is believed to be the single largest reason why individuals with the most severe mental illnesses do not take prescribed medications that would diminish or eliminate psychiatric symptoms. It affects an estimated 40% of those with bipolar disorder and 50% of those with schizophrenia."
More information is available at www.treatmentadvocacycenter.org and www.nami.org.
Those of us who advocate for improved mental health services look forward to the day when workplace violence and other kinds of shootings by those needing serious help, will greatly diminish.
Those of us who advocate for improved mental health services look forward to the day when workplace violence and other kinds of shootings by those needing serious help, will greatly diminish.
Join NAMI and others nation-wide this month in observing:

Look at his last name Engeldinger. His first half of his last name Engel, it means Angel! Well, he is no angel! His last victim was Eric Rivers. Happy trails, Eric Rivers.